
What is the total perimeter of the pitch and seating area?What is the total area of the pitch and seating area?

Accepted Solution

1m = 100 cm

40 m = 4,000 cm
25 m = 2,500 cm
10 m = 1,000 cm

perimeter of big rectangle = 2(4,000 + 2000) = 12,000 cm
perimeter of small rectangle on the left: 2(2,500 + 800) = 6,600 cm
perimeter of small rectangle on the right: 2(1,000 + 800) = 3,600 cm
perimeter of circle = πd = 3.141593 x 200 = 628.32 cm

total area of the pitch and seating area :
=  12,000 + 6,600 + 3,600 + 628.32 = 22,828.32 cm

22,828.32 cm