
Which expression can be used to convert 80 US dollars (USD) to Australian dollars (AUD)? 1 USD = 1.0343 AUD 1 AUD = 0.9668 USDA) 80 USD x (0.9668 USD / 1 AUD)B) 80 USD x (1.0343 USD / 1 AUD)C) 80 USD x (0.9668 AUD / 1 USD)D) 80 USD x (1.0343 AUD / 1 USD)(A is incorrect)

Accepted Solution

The answer is D. The first thing to do is to check units. The unit for the answer should be AUD since we are converting USD to AUD, so only C and D work. 1 USD is equal to 1.0343 AUD, instead of the other way around (1USD=0.9668AUD), which means 80 USD should be multiplied by 1.0343 AUD/1USD, because AUD is cheaper and there should be more AUDthan USD after conversion.